Acupuncture: Proven to shorten labor and decrease medical intervention. The ancient art of acupuncture has been put to the test when it comes to mamas-to-be. Since 1974, numerous studies have tested acupuncture points to ripen the cervix, help position the baby in the best presentation for labor, and promote optimal energy and stamina for women to enter into labor. The results are as follows.
Benefits of Pre-Birth Acupuncture (weekly starting at week 36):
Shortens labor: Research has demonstrated that the mean duration of labor in a group of women giving birth for the first time was reduced from 8 hours and 2 minutes in the control group (70 women) to 6 hours and 36 minutes in the group of women (70) who had received pre-birth acupuncture.
Decreases medical intervention: Data on 169 women was gathered by 14 midwives as part of their midwifery practice in New Zealand. It found that when comparing all caregivers (midwives, general practitioners, and specialists) to those women who received pre-birth acupuncture there was:
Natural Induction: Acupuncture treatments can stimulate labor in a woman who is past her due date. Research has shown that acupuncture takes from 3 to 60 hours to initiate contractions. At least two treatments are recommended.
Posted by Monica Mae Leibson of Acupuncture Healthcare Associates of Michigan. (West Bloomfield)
Benefits of Pre-Birth Acupuncture (weekly starting at week 36):
Shortens labor: Research has demonstrated that the mean duration of labor in a group of women giving birth for the first time was reduced from 8 hours and 2 minutes in the control group (70 women) to 6 hours and 36 minutes in the group of women (70) who had received pre-birth acupuncture.
Decreases medical intervention: Data on 169 women was gathered by 14 midwives as part of their midwifery practice in New Zealand. It found that when comparing all caregivers (midwives, general practitioners, and specialists) to those women who received pre-birth acupuncture there was:
- An overall 35% reduction in the number of inductions (for women having their 1st baby there was a 43% reduction)
- 31% reduction in the epidural rate
- 32% reduction in cesarean delivery
- 9% increase in vaginal births
Natural Induction: Acupuncture treatments can stimulate labor in a woman who is past her due date. Research has shown that acupuncture takes from 3 to 60 hours to initiate contractions. At least two treatments are recommended.
Posted by Monica Mae Leibson of Acupuncture Healthcare Associates of Michigan. (West Bloomfield)