*There are several Free Support Groups available in our area - Scroll to the bottom of the page to see all available information.
Macomb (MI) BirthNetworkFREE monthly meetings are held every 2nd Thursday of the month from 7:00pm - 9:00 pm. Children are welcome!
TOUCH OF LIFE FAMILY CHIROPRACTIC 46755 Hayes Road, Shelby Township, MI 48315 in shopping mall, southwest corner of Hayes Rd & 21 Mile Rd. For more information contact us at: [email protected] See our website for more updates, pictures & events: www.macombbirthnetwork.weebly.com Join us on Facebook! The Homebirth CircleMeeting are located in Clawson and Rochester.
The Homebirth Circle is a FREE social gathering where women and families can be emotionally supported for their choice to birth at home. This gathering is for families who are considering homebirth, planning a homebirth or have homebirthed. Families who are considering homebirth can learn about homebirth through the stories that others share. If you are planning a homebirth, come and be supported through pregnancy and create a network of like minded families as you birth and raise your children. Families that have homebirthed, come and share your experience and meet like minded families. Support one another through pregnancy and beyond. Enjoy a community of like minded families. Learn from one another and share your experience. For more information and to RSVP, please visit The Homebirth Circle's Meet-Up page. |
Oakland County (MI) BirthNetwork - BirminghamOakland County BirthNetwork meetings are held the 3rd Thursday of every month at 7:00pm. Come at 6:30pm to mingle, pick up information and enjoy some refreshments. Printed information about each meeting is available as well as contact information for local birth professionals such as doulas, midwives, chiropractors, massage therapists, childbirth educators and more! See our scheduled meeting topics below.
FREE monthly meetings will be held at Be Well Lifestyle Centers. For more information or if you have any questions, you can visit our website, e-mail us at [email protected]. We look forward to seeing you soon! Le Leche League Meetings - Breastfeeding
Breastfeeding Support Groups. To find the group nearest to you click on the link below -
http://www.llli.org/Web/Michigan.html Tree of Hope - Postpartum Depression
Tree of Hope offers support to women suffering from Postpartum Depression.
To find the group nearest to you click on the link below - http://www.treeofhopefoundation.org/support.html Detroit BabywearersMeet other families passionate about wearing their babies and attachment parenting every 2nd Saturday of the Month from 10-11:30 a.m.
Detroit Babywearers meet in Troy at 1640 Axtell Road. You may also find them on Facebook! |
Traumatic Birth Recovery GroupThis group meets at Nature's Playhouse in Clawson on the fourth Wednesday of every month (with the exception of holidays) at 10:45am - 12:15pm. No Registration Necessary. Children are welcome.
This group has been formed to give and receive support and to share traumatic birth experiences, i.e. unplanned c-sections, unexpected medical intervention, and coping with any other postpartum issues. The center also offers baby sign language classes, yoga classes, child enrichment classes and free playtime hours for parents and children. Please email [email protected] for additional information. |
Postpartum Breastfeeding Support Group
Postpartum breastfeeding support group open to all mothers every Thursday at 11:00 a.m. Group is led by an IBCLC, and scale is available for weight checks. Please come to 3rd floor, Labor & Delivery, at St. John Providence, 16001 W. 9 Mile Rd, Southfield. Contact Brandy for questions - 248-952-7551 .